Tag Archives: caffeinated

Caffeinated amateurs

29 Nov

As Achim was writing below in fact we realized in Italy that we had found a really pleasant way of putting our ideas together. I certainly will have to talk that over again with Achim, but for now I’d like to call our working process some kind of professional amateurism, in the literal sense of the term “amateur”: two rookies, knowing nothing about the publishing business but being extremely enthusiastic about their own (the writer’s and the draughtsman’s) working areas.

What I like most about our working procedure is that it speaks to the contrary of common industrial processes of nowadays, where – at least that’s my feeling – too often deadly perfection meets calculated boredom.

But lets quit with pamphlets and get onto something more essential: addiction, yes! From the early beginnings adewani is a declared bunch of foodstuff aficionados (which might cast a light on the topics of our projects and the places in which we try to elaborate them).

Renowned connoisseurs like honorably caffeinated Honoré de Balzac and vinic flesh and blood actor Gérard Depardieu would look like aneamic teetotallers compared to us, if they’d seen the monstrous amount of coffee, wine and yummy food that helped us to shape and cultivate our critical, perceptive, insightful, inquisitive … um, well … bellies.

To give you a first impression what resulted from our alimentary greediness here are some primal images from one of the characters of our story. The first one showing an early sketch made with wax crayon; the others showing a more elaborated plastic mockup of the same figure.

Ok, that’s it for now. More things to come from the bovine drummer of the band, still totally unfocussed throwing about with pencil and charcoal.